Purpose: Assist students and their parents to help each child reach his/her academic potential, develop an understanding of themselves and the rights of others, and help them acquire information about career opportunities.
Academic Development
The school counselors assist students and their parents in an effort to acquire knowledge of the curricula and to explain choices available to students, to plan a program of studies, to arrange and interpret academic testing, and to map a path towards post-secondary academic opportunities.
Career Development
The school counselors help students acquire information and develop an Academic and Career Plan of Study. Students will identify and demonstrate the relationship of personal interests, goals and course planning as it relates to career choices.
Social/Emotional Development
The school counselors assist students to develop an understanding of themselves, the rights and needs of others, how to resolve conflict and to define individual goals, reflecting their interests, abilities and aptitudes. Such counseling may be provided either (i) in groups in which generic issues of social development are addressed or (ii) through structured individual or small group multi-session counseling which focuses on the specific concerns of the participant(s).
Other Duties
- Crisis Intervention
- Career Exploration
- Prepare/Revise/Consult Regarding Student Schedules
- Individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Classroom Guidance
- Student Orientation
- Collect, Maintain and Disseminate Information
- Make Appropriate Referrals
- Enroll and Withdraw Students
- Set Up Conferences, as needed
- Staff-Consultation
- Community Liaison
A positive relationship between school and home fosters the academic, social, and emotional growth of our children.