School Board Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Approve policies for school division
  2. Establish spending priorities and approve budget
  3. Hire and evaluate Superintendent
  4. (Chair) Set meeting agenda with Superintendent
  5. Hear appeals and public comments
  6. Establish CIP (capital improvement project) priorities
  7. Approve Comprehensive Plan
  1. Hire and dismiss employees
  2. Intervene directly in school situations
  3. Have individual authority and power over school system


Superintendent Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Hold responsibility for day-to-day operations of school division
  2. Hire staff
  3. Supervise staff
  4. Seek and engage community support
  5. Build and maintain relationship with City Council and City Manager
  6. Implement policy
  7. Set expectations for staff
  8. Provide an example for staff
  9. Develop budget
  1. Tell Board what to do
  2. Approve budget
  3. Decide who will serve on school board