High Tech Ideas
High tech that is available at LAUREL includes a wide variety of devices. We have available to students, for example:
- Touchscreen monitors
- Large screen monitors
- Modified keyboards
- Speech output devices
- Environmental Control Units
- Desktop computers and Laptops
- Switches (Numerous types available)
- iPods and iPads
- Switch interfaces for computer access and iPad access
- Smartboards
- Navigator IR, a peripheral that we can use with a computer for mouse control through eye gaze.
Devices are available not only for instructional purposes, but also for student leisure and exploration.
Low Tech Ideas
Low tech ideas are routinely used at LAUREL. However, just because it is called “tech” does not necessarily mean that it actually uses technology. Low tech ideas are creative solutions to usual problems that include minimal or no technology.
For example, low tech ideas are:
Velcro sentence strips
Communication boards and/or schedules using pictures and Velcro
Pencil grips and/or adaptive pencils
Page fluffers
Hand pointers
Extensions for the Smartboard
If you have a low tech idea or come across a great low tech device at the dollar store, we would love for you to share your ideas!
New Additions
We continue to use a variety of equipment and adaptive devices at LAUREL, and we are exploring new apps and new resources on a regular basis.
- Each class has an iPad Pro with classroom specific apps.
- Classes that need switch access to the iPad Pros will be provided with a switch interface.
- Classes will get app updates as needed for the iPads in their rooms.
Assistive Tech Links
Some Assistive Technology Vendors:
- www.gokeytech.com - Key Technologies lower prices on Assistive Technology
- enablingdevices.com/catalog - Assistive Technology Vendor
- webstore.ablenetinc.com - Assistive Technology Vendor
Information on Apps:
- www.smartappsforkids.com - website gives feedback on popular apps for children.
AT resources:
- www.lburkhart.com
- www.closingthegap.com
- www.dotolearn.com
- ttaconline.org - The Assistive Technology project addresses priorities of VDOE with centralized coordination, implementation, and dissemination of information about the laws which define AT devices and services, the process of consideration of AT by Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams, and AT assessment and resources.
- alltogether.wordpress.com/tag/at - AT articles and information.
- www.med.unc.edu/ahs/clds - Literacy and communication information and materials from the University of North Carolina.
- assist-tech.ednet.ns.ca/Assistive_Technology_Centre/SSRSB.html - These are 20 minute webinars from Autism Speaks Canada. There are a variety of topics that you can watch at your convenience.