Gain an understanding of non-profit management, work within a public school educational environment, learn both grant writing and grant management skills, grow the organization’s marketing footprint, and develop skills for future board member positions.
IDEAL FOR: Communications majors, Marketing majors, Business majors, Education majors, and anyone interested in nonprofit management.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Primarily responsible for the overall support of a nonprofit organization and the continuing growth and operation of the Tools4Schools Warehouse. General responsibilities include the following although tasks can be geared toward the interest of the intern:
- general support to the Foundation
- development of annual Classroom Innovation Grants booklet, annual newsletter, and other marketing materials
- identification of, and writing for, new grants
- development of social network sites
- event support
Tools4Schools Warehouse:
- Place orders
- Meet with local businesses to secure local material donations.
This is an unpaid internship. Course credit available.