Linkhorne Middle School students Lila Hutchison and Meg Gladieux placed first and second among French I students from Lynchburg City Schools, James River Day School, and Campbell County Schools in an essay contest in May. Linkhorne students followed the LMS French I tradition by dominating the list of winners. Professors from Lynchburg College and Sweet Briar College chose the top three essays in each of levels 1-5 from among the 400 submitted.
All LMS French students wrote the in-class essay during one period. In addition to the winners, the top 25 percent of LMS students whose essays were sent to the judges included: Annalisha Staples, Chloe Seng, Kate O’Connell, Meg Lloyd, Sara Greene, Gracie Corsini, Sarah Copeland, and John Hames. These students and the two winners were invited to an awards ceremony at Brookville High School, also in May, where they were recognized and then enjoyed crepes and door prizes.
But that is not all….
There is more evidence of the superior work of LMS French I students, which will be presented at the final 8th grade awards assembly on June 5. One student will receive a medal for a high ranking on the National French Exam and others will receive certificates for their high scores.
Vive les etudiants de francais! Ils sont intelligents et travailleurs! Oui oui!